7 min readJun 28, 2021

Recapitulation of eVIRAL PROJECT AMA event held at AMA LOVERS CLUB.

Date: Monday, 28th June, 2021
Time: 17:00 UTC

The eVIRAL PROJECT team was represented by @Ozzmancrypto, @Twobagz and @Moon who judiciously shared with us detailed knowledge and information about eVIRAL PROJECT.


Q1: Can you please introduce yourself and your background, also introduce the team working on the eVIRALToken Project?

ANS: Hello 👋 my name is Oz! I am the community manager of eVIRALToken!

My name is Bagz, I’ve been lucky enough to help the team since the beginning of eViral 🙏 I help with marketing and operations!

Hey I’m one of the devs and my background is in marketing and sustainability for the last decade. I’m so excited to be working with an amazing team of diverse and effective peers!

Q2: Can you introduce the eVIRALToken project, what critical problems does it solve that existing solutions are not solving and what's the competitive advantage?

ANS: Absolutely! So eViral is aiming to be an ecosystem that combines all components of a successful project such as development and marketing. The critical problems it solves are transparency, reliability, and security. The advantage is having an incredible team as a base and finding new additions along the way who have a similar vision and goal in mind. Together we are hoping to make this space not only safe but profitable and possible for new people and veterans alike. Our platform is looking to bring the community closer and grow together.

We will be helping tokens launch internationally and providing significantly increased access to all of the products and services necessary to scale robustly. This includes legal, tax, marketing, promotion, design, graphics, and development products and services. Also, the platform itself will allow contractors to meet and develop their own relationships and new projects within the ecosystem, similar to upwork or ethlance.

Q3: Can you briefly describe the top milestones you have achieved and your target milestones with timelines, also share your roadmap?

ANS: Https://

We have hit significant milestones in terms of holders, our audit, our exchange applications, our team growth, and eViral platform development. We have created and cemented internal work flows between in-house resource and our partnership with Luna Media (listed in the White Paper). Luna is assisting in the development of the eViral platform and is also assisting with other marketing needs. eViral is a platform that launches tokens, and is officially working with over 10 partner tokens currently, before the platform has even rolled out.

Some milestones we have achieved:Successful Launch, Recovery back to all time high a few days after launch, Kyubi (first eViral partner token) as planned made over 25k in eViral buybacks since deployment, there are just over 1,600 eViral holders and adding more each day, have added some amazing community mods, and are continuing to get closer to having a platform and updated website to present to our community and investors.

Q4: Foe such mission to be accomplished, the eVIRAL project itself needs to be globally recognized, as you can't give what you don't have. What's are the strategic plans in place to drive the global recognition of eVIRAL platform?

ANS: Sure. We are working with IP litigators, and working with a firm that has experience in international growth and disruption. The solidification of these partnerships are being announced as part of our PR campaign coming in the next two weeks. We have already established social channels in other languages such as telegram with the management component of those telegram channels figured out to some extent. We are aligning opt-in lead feeders via companies based not in the US in order to create customers and increase leads in existing crypto markets regardless of language. We are also working to create media in these languages in order to further penetrate the market beyond early adopters in all target languages that we’ve identified. We are interviewing with PR firms in order to have premier consultation with top talent as we do things that we already understand how to do, in addition to things we are still learning.

Q5: Can you briefly describe your PARTNERSHIPS so far?

ANS: Absolutely! I’d like to touch on one that I’ll be helping with heavily and that is baseDev. With this partnership the goal will be to help new and old community members alike learn about blockchain, coding, and other technical aspects of crypto by incentivizing the learning and bringing a great community feel to it. We are working on a launch date but keep in mind it will be soon and we have an AMA later today for it. Ozz will follow me up with a list of other eViral partnerships 🙏

(Some of our partners withhold their name, until right before launch) (version two of the website coming soon)

Q6: Can you give an overview of your Tokenomics, and the UTILITY of the $EVIRAL Tokens?

ANS: For all the details, the white paper is very inclusive. But just as an overview, eViral is focused on anti-dumping and rewarding holders with reflection. There are price impact limits, time delays, and high amounts of redistribution. This combined with our partnership buybacks will result in scarcity as well as continuous positive price impact. Our plans for retails consumers and also business to business will ensure price increase over time.

there are more details about it here.

A full roadmap will be released with the deployment of the platform.

2nd Segment: LIVE Questions

Q1: Please give some information about the security level of eViral project. How safe is it? Can long term investorr comfortably use eViral? Do eViral already have an audit?

ANS: Great question! So at eViral our team has all witnessed or been scammed at one point or another. We at eViral are going to ensure safety by verifying with future partners, checking contracts prior to launch, and auditing. eViral itself has been audited by Solidity Finance and passed with flying colors. We are hoping investors feel comfortable with our process as it becomes more concrete as we want to present nothing but security and transparency in everything we do.

Q2: It has always been very tricky for project creators to pay promoters and marketers while bringing new projects to market and this makes it difficult when attempting to scale outside of known markets. How can eViral solve this?

ANS: This is a significant issue and why we created eViral. Please read the white paper. We are developing a platform to increase trust, accountability, and to facilitate safe, guided transactions between any entities working together in this industry that use the platform.

Q3: Where can I buy $Eviral with a low cost commission and how much do you recommend?

ANS: Great question! eVIRALs' contract is a uniswap only interaction. This to eliminate work-arounds from our tokenomics! Otherwise you would be able to get past the sell time limits! This way everyone has to wait their turn to sell responsibly.

Q4: We’ve seen a recent surge in NFT’s that has currently seemed to slow down a bit. There’s multiple NFT marketplaces in the crypto kong, why have you guys chosen to position yourself in this market segment?

ANS: At eVIRAL we feel NFTs are a great opportunity for artists to both get their work seen, and potentially sold. The other reason we feel it is important is because of the process artists have to go through in order to get them minted. Our site will also provide limited access to people who possess certain NFT keys to the platform of eVIRAL. This will in turn give them a specific use case.

Q5: eVIRAL token is audited by #solidity, Certik on the other hand is known for proper auditing of projects?any plans for Certik audit in the future?
2.I notice that team buy back the token to be burn which thereby spike up the price, how long is this intend to last?

ANS: The Buyback function will be incorporated into multiple partner projects in the future. Although it is not mandatory, it's an optional way to assure vested interest. eVIRAL doesn't have a current plan for another audit, but we will look into it!

Q6: I saw that they ended a few hours ago a Giveaway on a their telegram community, but could more Giveaways be coming to keep the project community active and motivated or this is not yet something that is possible to confirm and from where or had the funds to finance this Giveaway?

ANS: Glad you saw the giveaway! We are going to continue to keep our community engaged by rewarding the efforts and support of our eViral family! We will continue to pull from personal funds as well as our marketing budget to fund these contests.

Q7: eViral will work with big influencers and partners and then they will be given the NFT key. Can you explain what an NFT KEY is? Are you also going to create an NFT marketplace with eViral as a payment token?

ANS: They will unlock features on the eVIRAL platform that are exclusive to eVIRAL members that possess the NFT keys.

Kyūbi one of our partner tokens is innovating an NFT space. We will be working closely with then alongside the whole process.

Q8: What kind of support/assistance will eVIRALToken provide to the new tokens, how do you expect to achieve a worldwide reach of these tokens and can it be said that the eVIRALToken community plays a role in this or is it the net work of the project development team?

ANS: We offer connections to verified promoters and influencers to help launch projects. Our dev team also looks over partner token project contracts to assure their code is functional and safe before launch. We are currently in talks with a major lawfirm to establish legal global reach. As we scale up, we will establish a variety of groups in according languages to maintain global interaction.

We already have a French 🇫🇷 Japanese 🇯🇵 Spanish 🇪🇸 🇲🇽 and Korean 🇰🇷 group.

Follow Us On Our Various Social Media Communities For More Update;


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(Links to other languages are in here)

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website: A decentralized community for crypto enthusiasts interested in AMA, crypto-gems, trading, investments, and giveaways.

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