6 min readNov 7, 2020

Recapitulation of Order of the Black Rose - OBR AMA event held at AMA LOVERS CLUB

Date: Friday, 6th November, 2020
Time: 11:00 UTC

The OBR team was represented by @VladimirOBR. He judiciously shared with us detailed knowledge and information about the project.


Q1 Can you please introduce yourself and your background, also if you have a team, you can introduce them

Ans : My name Vladimir , I am the CEO of Order of the Black Rose . I have a higher education in finance and I worked for about 8 years in a financial company and also have experience in trading. At 30 years of age, while I might not be the most proficient Tech guy, I am someone who has been in this business for a while. I have learnt and worked with crypto , and understood exactly how the cryptocurrency ecosystem works and its relationship with exchanges. With this understanding, and my life long passion for art and building stories, I am proud to bring this project to you. I am inspired and learn everyday with our partnership with JustLiquidity, who have been key in building and bringing this amazing project to you.

Our team includes 5 people - from Ukraine , India, China and Indonesia. Some of them you can find in our Website

Q2 Can you introduce the OBR project, what exactly does it solve and what’s the use case

Ans : Order of the Black Rose (OBR )- The 1st Role Play (RP) NFT project on both Blockchains BSC & ETH with Marketplace!- Staking & Liquidity NFT farming!
Our Main Objectives :
To build a strong NFT Marketplace on both blockchains!
To give the ability to move your NFT between blockchains, so you can sell in the best market for you!
To have a real Roleplay story and give value to the NFT industry from artists to storytelling
To make staking incredibly simple, by just hodling in your wallet .

Q3 : Can you briefly describe the Top milestones you have achieved and your target milestones with timelines, also share your roadmap

Ans : Achieved:
The story line.
NFT designs and animation.
The development and backend are almost done , i think next week we can show to all our marketplace on BSC blockchain!
Road map will be shared soon!


Q1 : Can you explain the difference between OBR & OBRB tokens? Are they both @NFTOBR platform governance tokens, when will they be available?

Ans : OBR and OBRB are the same tokens just on 2 different Blockchains - Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain . Everything else is the same, and they can be swapped between OBR , OBRB and NFT amidst these two blockchains without any extra fees. The total supply and the price are the same. And No, we do not have a governance function.

Q2 : After watching the short video on your website, am still confused as to how the video is related to crypto. What is the motive behind naming the project Order of the Black rose? Are we farming black roses?

Ans : You know the Background Story now, from the video. As you saw, the King passed away with a broken heart while holding his beloved rose that also turned into ashes. This is where the army gets its name - Order of the Back Rose. For hodling OBR and/or OBRB, NFT tokens will be distributed weekly. These can be collected or sold on any NFT Marketplace (including our own). More stacking details coming after the Pre-Sale results.

Q3 : The first NFT role playing (RP) cards in both Blockchains, BSC and ETH, are in OBR. Where does the idea of creating a game and adding NFT to it come from? Are OBR NFT fully digital assets or tokenized versions of real world assets?

Ans : NFT is Art. Now how these pieces of art will be connected to Crypto, is part of the mystery. You have to wait just a little longer for that part of the story. What you should know is that we are making this story a roleplaying one, rich with emotions and a backstory. So, keep an eye out for when we reveal the mystery connection!


Q1 : - If I buy $OBR using $BNB, will I get tokens that are on the Binance Smart Chain network? Or will these tokens be sent to my wallet on the Ethereum network?

- According to the page, every day that passes from pre-sale, the price of $ORB will increase. My question is, after the 7 days of pre-sale will the price remain the same? Or will the presale only last 7 days?

Ans : You will can buy with BNB (bep20) not $OBR , but $OBRB ( our token on the BSC ) . Also you will can swap OBRB to OBR and vice versa at any time !

Q2 : Give us more details on the Order of Black Rose PreSale that will run 9th of November, how can we invest?

Ans : You will can invest with ETH or BNB (bep20) . Pre-sale will go through a purchase with a smart contract . You will need to send ETH or/ and BNB to contract addresses which will be publiced with start of presale . And you will get immediately your tokens to your wallet .

Q3 : Why does the #Order of the black rose project use two different blockchains. what we know is that the fees on the eth network are now quite expensive, why not use the full blockchain in BSC? What are the advantages of 2 blockchains for your own project..

Ans : We always want to give the community a choice. Fees is not always important for everyone. And there are holders in one and the other blockchain. So you choose what is closer to you - BSC or ETH,

Q4 : What is the role Of " JUSTLIQUITY " in your ecosystem ?

Will you incorporate more partnerships anytime soon ?

Ans : We are pleased to partner with a company like JustLiquidity. They are doing a great job of protecting investors, helping projects use two blockchains at once!Yes, there are companies that are also interested in our project. Stay tuned!

Q5 : “All Pre-Sale unsold tokens will be locked in the JustLiquidity Protocol” Regarding this statement, what if tokens allocated for pre- sale are all sold? Is this means you will not provide liquidity on JustLiquidity Protocol?

Ans : We will provide liquidity and follow our plans. We can stop the presale at any time, as announced by our Queen!

Q6 : Is it true that 10% of the revenue from the buyback will be distributed to the public and what are the benefits of holders in the $OBRB token?

Ans : Yes , absolutely correct . We will distribute to our holders 10% of the revenue from the buyback. And for this you just need to hold $OBR or/and $OBRB in your personal wallet like trustwallet or metamask!

Q7 : What benefits can HOLDERS obtain in staking? What incentives are there to do HOLD in staking?

Ans : Holders will get weekly NFT cards , possibility to farming liquidity with justliquidity protocol and to get 10% of the revenue from the buyback !

Q8 : Can you explain about CZ Binance & Vitalik Ethereum NFT Card? What is its uniqueness and what is its use

Ans : This will limited animated NFT cards which will issued only for 50 ETH buyers on the presale . After presale you will can only buy this NFT if some one will sell on marketplace .


Please before leaving, do you have any Final Words for community, also do good to share every useful links to OBR project and how we can participate in the presale

Ans : Join our telegram ! All updates will be there ! Also our website , and medium We will be glad to everyone in our mission! Choose your side!

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