7 min readSep 16, 2021


Recapitulation of VaultDeFi PROJECT AMA event held at AMA LOVERS CLUB.

Date: Wednesday, 15th September, 2021
Time: 16:00 UTC

The VaultDeFi PROJECT team was represented by @IEricl, @Justjensense and @ZeusDefi who judiciously shared with us detailed knowledge and information about VaultDeFi PROJECT.

1st Segment : INTRODUCTION

Q1: Can you please introduce yourself and your background, also introduce the team working on VaultDeFi?

ANS: im a visual guy, so here's a layout for you.

I am a Founder at VaultDeFi and my expertise in many areas of life have come together in assisting running and managing VaultDeFi. I come from a world of Realtors and excel in customer service along with community and project management. I have been involved in Crypto for over one year now but recently devoted all of my time to studying and learning about decentralized finance. Myself along with a few other brilliant minds decided to come together, make the right connections, and look to change the world. My love and passion of decentralized finance really shows with VaultDeFi and I believe VaultDeFi has the ability to positively impact the lives of millions. My understanding of the way smart contracts work along with my ability to comprehend and teach new innovative ideas and technologies allows me to help everyone from beginner to expert in DeFi.

Q2: Can you introduce VaultDeFi, what critical problems does it solve that existing solutions are not solving and what's the competitive advantage?

ANS: VaultDeFi is a company that develops and manages connected and compounding digital assets which one day hopes to change the world. Just to scratch the surface, we will have an ecosystem of ten tokens which all reward in both their own surge wrapped asset and our mother token.

Our vision is to level the playing field across the world by bringing financial opportunities to everyone and anyone. Our vision is to allow everyone in the world to become their own bank.

Q3: Can you briefly describe the top milestones you have achieved and your target milestones with timelines, also share your roadmap?

ANS: Our current products are SafeVault and ETHVault. SafeVault is the mother token in our ecosystem and has its own Tokenomics for rewards. ETHVault is another one of our product that rewards in both a Surge wrapped Ethereum and additionally rewards in SafeVault. We also have BTCVault which we hope to launch in a couple of weeks that will reward in a Surge wrapped Bitcoin as well as additional rewards in SafeVault. Each token we create down the line will all reward in their Surge wrapped asset and our original SafeVault.

Our Roadmap is in the following photo

Q4: Can you briefly describe your PARTNERSHIPS so far?

ANS: We have no Partnerships at this time, just collaborations with Surge and Certik with room to grow in the future.

Q5: Can you give an overview of your Tokenomics, and the UTILITY of the $VAULT Tokens?

ANS: Our tokenomics are relatively the same across all products with minor to no differences. They all currently share a 2% buy and transfer fee along with a 30% sell fee. The entire fee is distributed amongst four categories; rewards, buyback and burn, auto-liquidity, and marketing.

Our utility is our charity mission is to one day when we are established, donate funds to small businesses and schools in The Gambia along with any country around the world that accepts cryptocurrency.

2nd Segment: LIVE Questions

Q1: I found two swap in your website
1.vault swap
2.eth swap
Why do you have two swaps in your project ??Which is the most convenient to use ??

ANS: One swap is for SafeVault and the other swap is for ETHVault.

SafeVault and ETHVault are two very different tokens that both have their own unique factors.

SafeVault rewards in BUSD and ETHVault rewards in SETH and SafeVault :)

Q2: good day sir, Are you planning your project in the future in a country or region where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project? If yes, please share with us?

ANS: Hi, we do have many plans for global recognition. We currently are looking at the expansion of our languages used in our discord chats to include many regions who have interest and are using crypto currencies. Please feel free to request your directly to me via DM.

Q3: Why is it that the imposed buying fee for your token is just 5% while for the selling fee is a whooping 30%? Why is the selling fee much much more greater than the buying one? What implication does this feature suggests?

ANS: This is to incentivise holding and not selling, those that do sell to take profits, reward everyone else.

Q4: While reading the roadmap I saw in roadmap Q1 2022 that Applications out for SPDI approvals. I have never heard of SPDI. So can you explain to me what is SPDI? And for what purpose VaultDefi will be using it?

ANS: Hi yes, this type of appliance and approval are for in and of ramp of fiat use with our tokens and technology. It is directly related to the regulation and complain Ave that we assume will be required in the future.

Q5: I read VaultDefi has collaborated with Surge. What value of think surge will add to the VaultDefi ecosystem? What are the benefits to the project and the investors?

ANS: Vault allows a lot to be beneficial for surge, not only the contract constantly buying it which raises its price, but then transferring it to all the holders also raises its price. It is very beneficial to both our investors and Surge.

Q6: 🌟VaultDeFi aims to offer the opportunity of passive growth to users, but I was wondering if non-crypto people would also be able to benefit. Is your platform adequate for this type of user? Do you have guides or educational content for those with zero knowledge about crypto?

ANS: Yes our website is very intuitive as well as our dapp for teacking and claiming your rewards. There are both educational videos and step by step how toys found on our website with much more content and education to come.

Q7: Security is extremely important for users, specially when it comes to investing and holding assets for passive income. So have you already done an audit on the Vault token contract? Do you guarantee the safety of the holders' assets?

ANS: Yes, we are in collaboration with Certik and we are auditing every token through Certik that we create as well as applying Skynet to every single one. You can see that on both of our current tokens, they sit above 88 and will continue to climb.

Q8: I read VaultDefi has collaborated with Surge. What value of think surge will add to the VaultDefi ecosystem? What are the benefits to the project and the investors?

ANS: We are proudly collaborating with Surge and their teams of innovative developers and creators. They have added to our development in ways that I can only express in massive gratitude. The Surge token within a contract design has improved the product we can offer our investors as it provides an added level of mitigation away from market volatility. This layer 1 tokenomics asset can now be put in the VAULT can then we can enhance the commodity with layer 2 tokenomics for increased value and market share.

Working with other in a positive manor is not only good for our projects but is the direction defi needs to be.

Q9: Hello sir, What is the role of token in the ecosystem? Where can users currently buy it, and what would be its ush

ANS: Hello, the role of SafeVault is that is it the mother token that rewards in BUSD. Users can currently buy it on Pancake swap on the BSC network.

Q10: There was an announcement that there will be BTCVault which will likely reflect surgeBTC & safe vault, should we announcement on other tokens too based on the poll result on your website?
How do people benefit from the compounding interest across multiple tokens?
Where can we buy the vaultDefi tokens and when is it likely to get listed on other centralised exchange?

ANS: We always love to hear the communities voice on what they would like to see as the next Vault. We are very open to our investors opinions.

Compounding interest is the 8th wonder of the world according to Albert Einstein. It is world changing.

You can buy the tokens on Pancake swap and we are in the talks with opportunities and possibilities down the road.

Q11: .............hello....................... Hi vault project
Which one of these aspects is important for you?
1-Increasing Token Price & Value
2-Empowering Platform Development
3-Building Community Trust
4-Expanding Partnership Globally
In what order??

ANS: 1.Increasing token price and Market value is always most important for our shareholders and the over all market sentiment for our company and for mass adoption of crypto and defi.
2. Building the trust of the community and allowing for open transparent discussion and involvement is always a priority with our development team.
3. Empowering platform development is of pretty equal standing to us. We strive to educate investors into later 1 and layer 2 tokenomics, mature portfolio development, the understanding of what and how to build and invest with confidence and market understanding. We proudly have established the Vault Academy and this division is working diligently to ensure the visions of our empowerment of investors is achieved.
4. We are now working with Vault Global as a division to ensure our global expansion and outreach is obtained in a resourceful and successful manor. Crypto, digital assets and commodities are the future and they are global so ensure if we do this is of importance to our over all vision and long term growth.

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